There are four things we are always thinking about (whether we realize it or not).

  1. Why (Meaning)
  2. What (Destiny)
  3. Who (Alignment)
  4. Where (Freedom)

“We become what we think about.” // Earl Nightingale

Everything in your life begins with the way that you think. Who taught you to think the way that you think? Do you like what you’re thinking about? Do you like what you have in life right now? Do you think it can get better?

The Think Coach Mastermind is led by Joshua Craft, son of Keith Craft.

Keith Craft’s story is also Josh Craft’s story. He is might be called a coach, mentor, speaker, or pastor … what he really is… a result of a Legacy, the fruit of Keith Craft.

He is a lifelong learner who wants to help other people learn what he is learning. He speaks, writes, coaches, mentors and contributes in many ways. But more than that, he has the tremendous benefit of standing on the shoulders of giants.  Keith Craft has always said “methods are many, principles are few. Methods always change, but principles never do.”

Josh Craft’s focus is on principles that work. Principles that equip us to live the lives God designed us for. These principles are found in many places. Mostly ancient ones.

Even though truth is ancient. Its application is modern. His goal is to help people bridge the gap between ancient truth and modern, practical application.

The concept of a Mastermind has existed at least since the Pythagorean Brotherhood in the 6th century BC. From Plato’s Academy and Aristotle’s Lyceum, to Benjamin Franklin’s Junto, and J.R.R. Tolkien + C.S. Lewis’ Inklings. Mastermind groups have always been a way for like-minded people  to come together from disparate walks of life, cultivate greatness, and create the future.


We will meet monthly online, and quarterly in person to learn from each other how to become the person God has created us to become. The focus of this Think Coach Mastermind is to define and refine our answers to four key questions we all face.

What is the meaning of my life?

What is the reason we are on this planet? How can we find/create meaning and attach everything we do to a greater sense of “why” we do it?

How can I reach my destiny?

What does it really mean to make progress towards our meaning and purpose? How can I become the best version of me while simultaneously winning in all aspects of life?

Who am I supposed to do life with?

How can I make sure I am only around quality people? What key relationships do I need for my next level?

How can I be free from restrictions and constraints?

What are the barriers that prevent me from thriving in life and how can I overcome them? 

Quarterly Mastermind

Every quarter, we will meet in person for a 3 hour Mastermind session. These 3-hour sessions will be immersive, intellectually stimulating, and action-oriented, following the practices of historical masterminds like Plato’s Academy, the Junto, and the Lunar Society. 

We will discuss a framework connected to one of each of the questions, and then 2-3 participants will present a specific problem for the group to problem-solve. This is called the “hot seat”

Monthly Calls

After each in-person mastermind session, we will do a one-hour call each month. The focus of the calls is a progressive deep dive, actionable guidance and troubleshooting for implementing key principles within each group member’s own life.


Cost // $6000 annually 

All in-person Masterminds will be held in, or around Frisco, TX. Monthly calls are held over zoom. 

Once you complete the application, you will receive an email with additional instructions. The application will help give us some context on how to best serve you. Please reach out to us if you have any questions.

Members may pay monthly, but by committing to join, you are making a commitment for the entire year.

Mastermind + Call Dates

January 17

  • February 12

  • March 19

April 11

  • May 21

  • June 18

July 18

  • August 13

  • September 17

October 24

  • November 12

  • December 10



Mastermind frequently asked questions and answers

The concept of surrounding oneself with successful, big-thinking people is as old as the history of man. The great teachers of ancient Greece, King Arthur, King David, and Jesus himself are examples of people who surrounded themselves with trusted advisors and a sounding board for the events of the day.

In a Mastermind, you are surrounded by growth-minded entrepreneurs, thinkers and successful leaders from all walks of life.

To help you brainstorm, network, challenge, motivate and be encouraged in your success journey. It is also a place for you to work with others to share your wisdom and lessons from your life.

This  is a vetted group of kingdom-minded entrepreneurs, business owners, and corporate executives who have achieved success but recognize there is more. They desire freedom and are working to scale their businesses and networks with the best of the best. You can expect a unique blend of world-class impartation, fun activities, and inspiring connections designed to provide you with the biblical wisdom and strategies necessary to design a life of freedom.

In the Elite Mastermind, freedom means having the freedom to do what you want, with whom you want, when you want, and where you want.

The Keith Craft Elite Mastermind combines four half day (11-4) meetings with two multi-day immersive trips. Members of the group receive more impartation from Keith Craft than a regular mastermind. They are also given the exclusive opportunity to prepare and present a comprehensive Mastermind presentation of their personal and professional lives to glean from the wisdom of the group.

Members meet six times per year – four half-day meetings in Celina, TX, and two multi-day trips that alternate between Colorado and Florida.

Meetings are held in Frisco, TX from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. We begin with lunch and then dive into impartation, including group discussions, Mastermind presentations and activities. You are provided a notebook for your worksheets and discussion notes.

If you are traveling for the Celina, TX meetings, you are responsible for airfare, ground transportation arrangements and costs, and lodging arrangements and costs.

Trips are held in Durango, CO and Destin, FL. You will experience a mix of impartation, planned fun activities, and inspiring connection. Trip details are provided in advance.

The cost of meals, lodging, ground transportation, and activities are included in your membership, unless otherwise noted in the pre-trip information.

Yes, you are responsible for flight arrangements and costs for the multi-day trips.

Yes, the group and memberships are ongoing. If a member chooses to withdraw, he/she simply provides a 30-day notice by emailing:
