Your ability to get along with others will determine how far you GROW in life.
The atmosphere that you live in is a type of incubator you create around you that is a direct result of your beliefs, attitudes and behaviors.
The purpose for all communication is to connect with others. The bridge between communication and connecting is CARING.
Clarity is the ability to ON-PURPOSE. It is having a CERTAINTY of what you can control and not being distracted by what you can’t control.
To be a Champion starts with you fighting against what is normal in you for what can be GREAT about you.
One of the secrets to building self-confidence lies within your ability to decide what matters most to you.
Sacrificial Giving
If you never give until it hurts, you will never receive as if it will never stop!
Spiritual Walk
To walk by the Spirit means you will never just be left to your desires, your flesh, your insecurities and most importantly, you will never just be left to yourself!
To wait on God is to get in step with God. A lack of patience gets you out of step with God.
The fear of God is proactive…the fear of man is reactive.