
Leadershipology is a word that Keith coined years ago. The suffix -ology means “the study of,” therefore the word leadershipology means “the study of leadership.” Leadership is choosing a way of thinking, being and doing life that is not common. Applying the study of leadership through Leadershipology takes your ability to lead to a whole other level, when you mindfully apply what you learn. Keith decided to create Leadershipology to help leaders and emerging leaders challenge themselves every day through empowering thoughts.

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To be on an anvil is to be in a state of preparation or formation.


Anger is a God-given emotion to make you better.

All In

Leaders who are truly “All In” are consistent in who they are…no matter what!

All IN

If you’re in a friendship, be ALL in! If you’re in a job, be ALL in! If you’re in a church, be ALL in! Whatever you’re in, deserves you to be ALL IN!


Divine alignments lead to divine assignments. Divine assignments lead to divine appointments. Divine appointments lead to divine advancement.


You only have one life to find your WHO’S. Make sure you’re strategic in who you CHOOSE.


Your life lessons will reveal WHO your life alignments should be.


Your Core Values will determine your Core Alignments.


Your measure of rule is determined by two things: the personal growth and development of your WHO and aligning your life with the right WHO’s WHO’s!

Think Coach Weekly Newsletter

Think Coach Weekly is a free weekly newsletter that will help you grow your thinking by giving you something to think about, a story to be moved by, and an action to take right now. It is a practical way to personally grow and develop your growth mindset.

The Keith Craft Podcast

Keith Craft shares how to Lead your life well in this podcast, featuring messages, personal thoughts, and guest talks on life and business coaching with an emphasis on spirituality.