
You cannot be GRATEFUL and negative at the same time! Gratefulness is the antidote for the cancer of the spirit called Negativity!


Honor is a first thing that makes every other thing in life work. The only thing that comes before honor is the one thing that makes honor possible: Humility. Dishonor on every level stems from pride. Think Kingdom…Be humble…Do Honor = Have Success!


“Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, all you who hope in the Lord. (Psalm 31:24)” Hope is the active ingredient for your future!


Remember God’s job is not to fit into your political box! Don’t shrink who God is to your level of thinking and ideologies! (Isaiah 55:8-11)


The antidote for immaturity is to choose to learn and grow from hurtful people and situations. Don’t get stuck in your funk or others either!


Change what you need so you have money for seed…because God doesn’t give seed to hard workers. God gives seed to sowers!


Everything that is growing in your life RIGHT now, is the result of seeds you have planted. What are you seeding RIGHT now for the future you want?


To bear fruit or not to bear fruit, that is the question! The fruit of a persons Think…Be…Do cannot be judged, for it speaks for itself!

Seed – Decisions

The fruit of what you produce in your life is the result of daily seeds that you sow. Those seeds are called Decisions. Sow good Decisions today!


Bottom line friendship FACT: a friend loves at all times and a true brother is born for adversity! Prov.17:17