Never allow your dream to cause you to change your standards.
The quality of WHO you are, will determine the qualities of the WHO’S that will be in your life.
The litmus test of you having great relationships is directly correlated with whether or not you are a great person. Your personal greatness will determine the level of greatness you will have in your relationships.
God made you to be UNSTOPPABLE because with God, nothing is impossible!
Your shaking is directly related to the unique deposit of God’s glory that God has given you.
You have been blessed by God to bless others like God has blessed you.
Frequency is the rhythm of your life that results from what you frequently Think…Be…Do that ultimately will determine what you HAVE in life.
Big Elevated Thought: God wants to make you a new creature, because He wants to reveal His glory in and through your life.
When you SEE an opportunity and choose to SEIZE the opportunity, you are developing your power to CREATE OPPORTUNITIES.
Stay away from people who act like a victim in a problem they’ve created.