The Components of Kingdom Order: First is alignment, then assignment, then anointing, then appointment, then advancement.
Success is hidden in templates.
The More you want for and through your life, the More will be required In and Out of your life.
Some people never get their turn in life, because they never learn that their life lessons are the price.
There are certain things God wants you to learn, so that when the time is right, He can give you your turn.
Keep doing what you’ve got to do so you can keep doing what you’ve got to do.
There are two mindsets that every person who wants to be successful must deal with. A fixed mindset…it is by default and will limit you. The other is a GROWTH mindset…it is by design and will liberate you.
Growth Mindset
A Growth Mindset is the greatest need if you are going to succeed.
Pull the weeds of your past that you didn’t want, so you can plant seeds for your future that you do want.
Your brain is both a record of your past and a map to your future. Only YOU can decide on what and where your brain will focus.