A lack of passion for any area of life is due to a lack of VISION. People do not perish so much from a lack of vision, as they do from a lack of passion that vision produces.
Leadershipology is a word that Keith coined years ago. The suffix -ology means “the study of,” therefore the word leadershipology means “the study of leadership.” Leadership is choosing a way of thinking, being and doing life that is not common. Applying the study of leadership through Leadershipology takes your ability to lead to a whole other level, when you mindfully apply what you learn. Keith decided to create Leadershipology to help leaders and emerging leaders challenge themselves every day through empowering thoughts.
A lack of passion for any area of life is due to a lack of VISION. People do not perish so much from a lack of vision, as they do from a lack of passion that vision produces.
Leaders see what nobody else sees, because they believe the unbelievable.
What you visualize you must prioritize.
Vision is a God-inspired portrait of a better future which produces Passion. It must be individually received and can only be collectively achieved.
Your vibe will determine your tribe and your tribe will determine the value of your vibe.
If you learn to value what God values in your life, you will be both valuable and have a most valuable life.
Seek to be known more for what you are for, than for what you are against.
Dissenting opinions based on similar values that make you better are healthy. Dissenting opinions based solely on opinions that cause dissension must be disabled.
The greatest relationships are not built on trust, but they are built on values.
LeaderTip of the Day #50: Sometimes what you have most to offer others can seem to be least appreciated. Solution? Live your life in such a way that YOUR life proves the value others can benefit from.
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