Think Coach Weekly newsletter
Think Coach Weekly is a free weekly newsletter that will help you grow your thinking by giving you something to think about, a story to be moved by, and an action to take right now. It is a practical way to personally grow and develop your growth mindset.
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In my opinion the Mastermind process is critical to every business owner, or C level leader! There is no other place to get nonbiased expert advice. There is usually over 300 years of experience in the room! Now add to that the Spiritual Wisdom & Prophetic gift of Keith Craft along with his business acumen and you have something to help you personally and professionally that you honestly cannot put a price on or find anywhere else in the world. It is truly priceless and irreplaceable!
Scott UnclebachInvestor, Business Owner, Developer and Builder / Couples Mastermind Member
I have been a part of Keith Craft’s mastermind since 2008. The mentoring from Keith Craft along with the relationships I’ve developed with the other CEO’s has been the key determinant in helping me navigate the critical situations with multiple businesses over the years. I can’t imagine trying to grow a business or navigate crucial decisions without being part of this mastermind.
Mitch EdlandCEO, What About Health, Inc. / Mastermind Member
Mastermind has helped by personal relationship with God, my marriage and my relationships. These changes in thought have also helped lead me to DOUBLE my staff size and in return DOUBLE my department sales from $30Million to over $60Million in just one year. I'm all in for another year of a Growth Mindset! Thank you to Pastor Keith and the Mastermind staff!!"
JeffOnline Group Coaching Member
I have been a member of Pastor Keith's Mastermind group for about 10 years now.
This group of business owners/leaders has helped me navigate through multiple transitions in my practice. The Spiritual input and advice from Pastor Keith has not only helped me in by business but also my personal life.
Mike EscobedoCornerstone Animal Clinic / Couples Mastermind Member
Through participation in the Keith Craft Mastermind, I was given a double-punch of power in business acumen and divine wisdom. Without which, frankly, we would not be making any money in our business. So, I am very grateful for this wisdom and direction as we launched our business, and to be doing well!
Diana RomeroFounder and CEO, Integrated Purpose Management LLC / Mastermind Member
Thank you for the value that is added to every mastermind. I love hearing the thoughts and wisdom. I am so thankful for this mastermind group and to be connected to this group of stars. I am better because of you all!
Trey PetersonOwner, All Things Financial / Elite Mastermind Member
I’m a 16-year-old entrepreneur based in Frisco. Last year, I was selected to join YEA (Young Entrepreneurship Academy) and place 3rd out of 17 other entrepreneurs. I’ve been interested in your joining your online mastermind program for quite some time. I have now saved enough money to invest in my growth and its everything I hoped it would be. Thank you for helping my grow and learn more
KyleOnline Group Coaching Member